Thursday, April 9, 2009

Titania's Palace ~ Sir Neville Wilkinson

Titania's Palace was constructed by the English painter and officer Sir Neville Wilkinson from 1907 to 1922.

Sir Wilkinson's daughter Gwendolyn claimed to have seen a fairy running under the roots of a tree, in the woods beside their home at Mount Merrion House. She was convinced that they lived in holes in the ground and deserved to have a fine house in which to live instead!

The palace consists of 18 rooms and salons, which contain hand-carved mahogany furniture. There are 3000 tiny works of art and miniatures from around the world on display inside the palace. The palace used to be displayed at Legoland, Denmark, but has found a new home in Egeskov Castle in Denmark now.

There is a miniature replica of Titania's Palace called Tara's Palace that is on display in Malahide.


  1. Oh...the first dollhouse I ever saw. It was on display in England for some time when I was a child and it was this that kicked off my interest in miniatures...and her I am 30 years later.

    Thanks for posting it.....I love to see it again and again.

    Shame it isn't as well known as Coleen Moore's...having seen both...this one is so much better.

  2. Thank you Sumaya for this virtual tour among beatiful creations. I found this blog of yours at Debbie's place and I'm amazed how you can follow so many blogs. Thank you again

  3. Wonderful to see these photos, I have the four books Sir Wilkinson wrote for his daughter about the palace, inside the books were newspaper clippings about Titania's Castle touring the world. The books are hand signed with his name and "Architect in Chief and Designer-in-Ordinary to Her Iridescence". Vancouver August 29 1936. Thanks for sharing.
